Accepting Love

June 3, 2022 By Admin

I am not sure why humans find it so hard to give and accept love from others.  My first humans didn’t have the time for me so they shared me with my new humans. I forgive them; they didn’t know how much love and attention that I needed so they gave someone else a chance. All creatures need a little love. Hugs, a smile, holding a hand, or my personal favorite - scratching behind my ears. Reminds me of the song “Put a little love in your heart”. Humans need to look to one another as we pups do - with adoration and wonder. Just giving love. Simple love. 

~ Foster Grant   

Foster Grant is a therapy dog at Samaritan Counseling Center. He was adopted from The Humane Society of Southeast Texas in May of 2021 by Samaritan's Executive Director, Robin. Foster earned 2nd place in his Dog Obedience Training and then went on to become an American Kennel Club Registered Therapy Dog and American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen. His office duties include running security, joining counseling sessions, and reminding the humans to take their breaks. Foster enjoys going on walks with his humans, meeting new friends, and chasing ducks around the pond.

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